video : a Christian defending her belief in God


Yibzu WoldeAmanuel :

God bless you girl

TK Englander :

She’s adorable and sweet. I hope she thinks more critically about her beliefs after this conversation.

Tommy Aqua :

Would you mind posting these questions in your site so I can reply to them?

the light reveals the place :

This Marcel Lee biatch picks on a lot of girls, doesn’t he? He needs to start twitching too.

Uncertainty 74 :

Of course God reveals Himself to unbelievers. That is why an unbeliever becomes a believer, because He reveals Himself to that person. God reveals Himself through the written Scriptures, dreams, creation, etc.

NeoAxiom :

1:21 Yes we want that because that’s how society gets things done. 3:39 But it’s okay for the Jews to test God in Exodus, yeah ok this is why people don’t believe in your religion because of contradictions like that.

88th Wheatfield Division :

Sometimes I forget religions exist and that people actually believe in them. And then I watch stuff like this.

newcoyote :

“I’m very strict on what the Bible says”. Bull SHIT! I doubt anyone saying something like that can possibly have read it.
She also says she is going to be very honest. Lady, you would not know honesty if it fell on you like a cartoon anvil.

Isaac Cabrera :

If you don’t need evidence so any beliefs go.

Getsen42 :

Do you have a personal relationship with god?
Yes, I do.

Next question should have been “so you’ve seen it/him?”

Answer: No

Then, you simply say “If I kiss you now you’d have a personal relationship with me because you touched me and I’m here in front of you and In Person!” “Now then, if you heard stories about me, saw peoples’ paintings of me, and were told that if you ask me for comfort I will give it, then you don’t know me personally and we never touched – then you DON’T have a personal relationship with me….can you understand the difference?”

Akaakaaka ak :

Please tell me these aren’t people off the street. Please tell me you had to go some place specifically for this (e.g. a church)

mr childgrownold :

Keep it up, watching people try to explain/justify their beliefs is very interesting. I’ll keep it real what else is there?

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