video : me ridiculing “transsexual” and “transgender” people who really think they’re the opposite sex


Gabriel : my personal opinion on this it s that it s a mental disorder…it is very similar with other mental disorders…you should check the link

m :

simple: born with penis you are male and born with vagina you are female.

Daniel Emerson B. :

that’s pretty pathetic. Like you got nothing better to do than hate on people who never did anything to you

Dabaru Richi KNX_Jetpack :

Love your epistemological discussions with theists but you don’t have a very good grasp on the concept of self image or certain body dismorphic disorders. Doesn’t seem like you know much about the biology of our species much either. Not to be rude but you sound like a someone who is not ready for change and have been heavily indoctrinated to believe that somehow there is a discrepancy with being a trans individual or something. I’m gonna need proof. That a man who transitions to being a woman is JUST that…a woman…the difference between the sexes is literally a surge of hormones. Gotta get your science up bros… I’m a medical professional and know alot about physiology…take my word on it Marcel…great content btw.

Nicova09 :

I guess my question is if someone feels they can’t live happily any other way, what difference does it make to anyone else’s life if they aren’t bothering or hurting anyone? If doing this will help keep them from killing themselves due to depression then, fuck it, why try to give them a hard time, you know? I have done a little bit of research on it to try to find some answers because like you, I want evidence, and have found a few things that make me wonder if they can even help having these feelings. They’ve done brain scans which measure white and gray matter levels and amounts which vary between men and women. Men having more gray matter and women have more white matter. The scans done of transgender individuals show that their brain scans identify them as having a brain composition more closely related to their desired gender. So I guess I will ask again this way: For example, let’s say you hate peanut butter and think it’s weird and don’t understand why anyone would want to eat it. Should people stop eating peanut butter because you think it’s gross? I’m not saying you think transgender people are gross because you didn’t, but it is an argument I have heard from many people who don’t like them.

Jesse B :

you know nothing about this topic and should shut the fuck up about things you are incredibly ignorant of.

46 GOAT :

duuude. first let me say I like the way you handle discussions when talking with the “god believers” but I think, no …I strongly recommend, you use your own [logic] on yourself. is what you say in this vid simply what you decided is true and therefore [believe] it or have you backed this by [evidence]. come on now …you need to be intellectually [consistent].

same question you ask to other people: where is the evidence for your assertion?

please defend your position just like you expect christians to do.


Jonathan Swift :

oh dear, subscribed when I saw another video of yours, now an immediate unsubscribe forever. you’re incredibly dumb.

Erwin George :

I really like your other videos, but this one seems like you have some biases. There is something call Hermaphrodite, where someone is born as both gender and even other animals which are asexual, so are they male or female? I think you need to educate yourself about why people of different gender consider changing. It’s not so simple as just being born one way or another. I hope you take some time to learn more about all aspects of gender.

T-Gmail Account :

True! This shit is out of control. I’m sick of hearing about it.

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