Which season of Orange Is The New Black is the best?

The only seasons I like are the first two, especially the second one. In hindsight it should’ve stopped there. Even without a proper conclusion, Orange Is The New Black would’ve been a damn good show. Season 3 brought a sudden and significant drop in quality the series was never able to fully recover from.

my vote : Season 2

video review : Orange Is The New Black [ Season 2 ]

my Orange Is The New Black reviews

Season 1 :

Season 1

Season 2 :

Season 2

Season 3 :

Season 3

Season 4 :

Season 4

Season 5 :

Season 5

Season 6 :

Season 6

Season 7 :

Season 7

Olivia Luccardi’s physical appearance

Olivia Luccardi's physical appearance Olivia Luccardi's physical appearance Olivia Luccardi's physical appearance Olivia Luccardi's physical appearance Olivia Luccardi's physical appearance Olivia Luccardi's physical appearance

Olivia Luccardi is one of those women who can be pretty one minute and ugly the next. It’s mostly to do with whether or not she’s showing her teeth, specifically that gap. Seeing it brings about a mild version of the repulsion you get when an otherwise normal person smiles to reveal they’re missing a tooth in the front.

To be clear, she is cute, if not pretty, most of the time. Look at those turquoise eyes. She looks like a doll. Her one big flaw is that goofy toothy grin. Not that it would stop me from kissing her, having sex with her or dating her. I’d just have to be sure not to make her laugh. It’ll have to be a serious relationship.

my rating : 4 of 5


video review : Orange Is The New Black [ Season 5 ]

video review : Orange Is The New Black [ Season 5 ]

This fifth season of Orange Is The New Black starts promisingly enough. The first few episodes, which bring back the suspenseful zeal of the first two seasons; the story continues at the cliffhanger from the end of the previous one; are a pleasant surprise. But before long, the show loses its focus and slips back into the piss-bowl of mediocrity it’s been swimming in for a while. Part of the problem is that, in an attempt to stretch a few days of rioting into a whole season, the tension wears thin. By mid season, the soap opera has once again become mundane.

Lolly is gone and that’s a big relief, but it also means more screen time for, thus more annoyance from, Suzanne. At one point, she almost dies. I wish she would’ve. Cruel as that may be, it’s not as cruel as what some of the women (inmates) of Litchfield do to the guards they manage to capture. It’s humiliation and “torture”, but is it justified? Perhaps. This is a show that takes pleasure in breaking your moral compass. Is it entertaining? At least more than the overall plot arc, which focuses on Taystee’s strong-willed efforts to get justice for Poussey.

Remember, Poussey died. She was killed by a guard. This season is the immediate aftermath. It’s supposed to be anarchical drama. Again, the first few episodes get it right. The rest drag. The closest thing to an exception is the finale, in which men in riot gear finally bust in with smoke bombs, electrified shields and (peppered) bullets. Chaos ensues and the level of watchability rises, but loose ends are tied too conveniently. The ending suggests next season will be a lot different, which could be just what the show needs to get back on track.

my rating : 3 of 5


video review : Orange Is The New Black [ Season 6 ]
video review : Orange Is The New Black [ Season 7 ]