video : BLM protesters being challenged on their views about racism


leesmusic :

With the Charlottesville protests Trump said there was good people on both sides but SPECIFICALLY said he whole heartedly condemned the white supremacists and nationalists, he made it very clear he wasn’t talking about them. But the left get fed a soundbite from that speech, and that is their whole defence why he’s a racist. This is why they are known as ‘useful idiots’

Joseph Patterson :

I am politically independent and do not support Trump or the Democrats. Watch the entire speech where Trump says that “there are good people on both sides” and you will realize that he is not talking about the white supremacist group. There were two other groups protesting that day before the supremacist showed up. When you realize this one should realize that the media on the left and the right are manipulating us. Be very skeptical of all news right and left. Make sure you are not just confirming what you want to be true. It is obvious that these protesters you interviewed ( who have good intentions) have bought into racial social justice theory which is inspired by postmodern Marxism and will only divide the races further. It is not the answer to our racial problems. See and be informed about what the racial social justice theory is about and learn about better ways to improve race issues.

heckle9 :

I hope to hear Marcel Lee make a video on how having Trump is a benefit to this country. He mentioned the economy improving but what did Trump, himself, actually do. I can’t see that the man has truly done anything that he takes credit for.
I have been a subscriber to this channel for a few years. I have found a vast majority of Marcel’s opinions and arguments agreeable. I am surprised to hear Marcel doesn’t find Trump to be arrogant and ignorant because it is obvious to me.

Marcel, I keep up with your channel because I like how you challenge people and not allow them to “wriggle” away from explaining themselves if they make a point that deserves to be questioned. Do you ever question yourself?

Hill Belly :

Somehow got to the White House .., well it was votes ! Wow she says no positives that she has noticed? Hmm trump is not to blame for all these problems, that鈥檚 just nonsense

titotoenail :

Marcel, love your channel. Been a subscriber for a long time. I don’t think anybody would argue and that all lives matter, logically speaking. But I don’t think this is a logical issue. If the world ran on logic, we wouldn’t have a lot of the problems that we have today. Right now, black lives matter. Maybe 200 years from now, we can say all lives matter(or, will not need to), but right now, certain people are suppressed. Also, I don’t KNOW Donald Trump is a bad person just like I don’t KNOW Obama is a good person, but I have to place my bet, and with all the information I have, normal people don’t act like Donald Trump. When people speak normally and off-the-cuff, they do not act like him, especially someone of his stature in public. If he acted like this at any place of business, would be fired immediately . Therefore, my bet, and a confident one, is that he is a bad person. If not a bad person, he inspires badness in people. Cheers!

JonO387 :

These people are so lost.

LacyBeee :

funny thing is that you carry the same contradictions that these people have when it comes to colorism

yumeN0dengon :

Nah man. Any sane person can see that a lot of the left is all sorts of crazy, but simply listening to Trump makes it abundantly clear that the guy’s almost literally dumb as a brick. Whatever good you think he did, it’s either A/ not his doing or B/ sheer luck. Probably one of the very few things about which I don’t have the slightest doubt whatsoever.

edit – Oh btw great vid as always, so thanks 馃槈

Jennai Shirow :

marcel is a trump supporter?! i feel like unfollowing you but ive watched you for so long ill look past it. but id love to hear you speak more on why you believe he has done a good job. also if you claim to look at his presidency objectively there should be at least some things he has done you dont agree with

Sehk Min :

We have done it, we have achieved racial equality. We have determined 3 black lives = 1 white life. What’s that? That is not what you mean? You do know equal is short for equivalent right? Oh you want whites and blacks to be the same? Sorry that violates the law of identity. So long as you think in terms of black and white instead of grey people will never be the same.

We are all Americans it is just some Americans are less American than others.

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